*Republished from the October 1949 issue of The Kayseean
By The Kayseean Staff
Building of the $100,000 addition to Sells Science Hall here at King got underway at five o’clock Tuesday afternoon, September 13, with the ground breaking ceremony. Mr. BP. Houston, who was a King College graduate in 1948 and is now a chemistry instructor here, is shown starting to life the first shovel of dirt to make the official start of the construction. The three story building of modern brick and steel construction will add 6,000 square feet of classroom space to the present overcrowded facilities in the Chemistry, Biology, and physics departments.
Dr. R. T. L. Liston, president of the college, offered the dedicatory prayer, and Robert Ingham, a 1947 graduate, and at present assistant professor Chemistry at Iowa State, Ames, Iowa, made a short talk. Mr. Sam J. King, who in 1949 graduated from King College with a Chemistry Major, lifted the second shovelful of dirt. Dean G. H. Cartledge, professor of Chemistry, presided as master of ceremonies. Left to right, are Robert Ingham, Mr. Houston, Dr. Liston, Sam King, and Dr. Cartledge. Also present were Mr. Carl A. Jones, trustee, and Mr. Mullens, superintendent of the construction.