By Brandon Nunley
College can sometimes be stressful, and many things can make being a student difficult. While keeping up with all your duties as a student, it is important not to leave behind your mental health. We have compiled some tips and tricks to help you keep your body, mind, and soul.
Building and maintaining a routine can help create a sense of structure and eliminate the guesswork on what to use your time for. Dedicating time to study, hang out with friends, and watch your favorite show will allot time for everything you need to get done for class while leaving some space to enjoy yourself. A routine can reduce stress, improve physical and mental health, and will reduce any wasted time in your day. Creating a schedule in a planner is a great way to keep up with your routine to ensure that no part of your day is left wasted or forgotten.
A healthy body supports a healthy mind. If capable, consider getting physically active. Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress and drastically improve sleep. People who exercise daily are more likely to improve their productivity and quality of life. Something as simple as going for a walk can allow you to set your mind free and escape from your daily stressors.
Spending time with friends is another great way to improve mental health. Finding a friend group or even a single friend will give you someone to spend time with and reduce the feeling of isolation and depression. Going out for lunch or shopping with friends is an excellent way to socialize and get out of your dorm.
If you are religious, attending your respective religious gatherings and practicing your religion is another excellent way to help improve your mental health. Spending time in a church will let you build a stronger relationship with God and allow you time to socialize with your church’s congregation. Taking time to pray can give you a chance to shut out the world and get some burdens off your chest. Here at King, we have many different religious resources and clubs you can be part of. Find out more about these opportunities here.
School is one of the main stressors in college students’ lives. Studying for exams and hours of homework can easily swamp students and make them feel trapped by academics. Prioritizing finishing assignments before deadlines will help keep assignments from stacking up and becoming too overwhelming to complete. Another way to eliminate academic-related stress is to create helpful study guides to prepare you for that upcoming big exam. For tips on maximizing your studies, visit our article about study habits.
Taking care of one’s mental health is vital. With all the challenges college students face, it can prove to be a daunting task sometimes. Employing the use of these tips may help reduce stress and anxiety. If you believe you need help or would like to talk with a counselor, you can visit King’s counseling center in White Hall. Visit the counseling center’s website here for more information on setting up a free appointment on campus. If you feel hopeless or suicidal, please immediately call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).