Republished articles from past issues of The Kayseean.
King And Sullins To Present “The Messiah”
Plans are being created for a joint concert of the King College Glee Club and the Sullins Chorus. This concert will take place sometimes during the week before Christmas holidays and the combined chorus will present Handel’s Oratorio “The Messiah”.
Ground Breaking Ceremony
Building of the $100,000 addition to Sells Science Hall here at King got underway at five o’clock Tuesday afternoon, September 13, with the ground breaking ceremony. Mr. BP. Houston, who was a King College graduate in 1948 and is now a chemistry instructor here, is shown starting to life the first shovel of dirt to make the official start of the construction.
Bettie Hite Collaborates on King Book
This year King University celebrates its 150th anniversary. In honor of this occasion, the Development Office and a couple of members of the History Committee, as well as Bettie Hite created a book that includes photos and memories from years past. Bettie Hite, who graduated from King in 1963, was asked by the Denise Asbury to write the book. Asbury is the Director of Development and she has largely directed production of the book. Asbury contacted Bettie to see if she knew of anyone who would be interested in writing the 150th book. She replied “Me” she claims it has “inspired her writing.”
Story of St. Valentine
The story of Valentine’s Day begins in the third century with an oppressive Roman emperor and a humble Christian Martyr. The emperor was Claudius II. The Christian was Valentinus.
Focus On The Person, Let Go of Unworthy Perceptions
February is a significant month for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it’s known as the month of love since Valentine’s Day falls on the 14th. The second thing February is known for is Black History Month as we celebrate the achievements of and recognize the role of African-Americans in U.S. history.
Budgeting for the Future
College opens many doors and offers countless opportunities but brings with it many responsibilities; at the forefront, being accountable for your money. For many students, this is both a newfound freedom and a newfound risk.
Unwrapping a Gift
Well, the stress of final exams is nearly over; the essays have been written, formulas memorized, and all our knowledge gained over the last 3 months has been spilled out onto paper and offered up to the mercy of our professors, who hold our fate in their hands. All of us are crying out for a rest, a sabbatical, a CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!
Flags Displayed to Welcome International Students
What is diversity? It is not an old wooden ship used during the Civil War era to the dismay of some Ron Burgundy fans. “Diversity is what makes King University an ideal destination for international students looking to attend college here in the United States,” said Finley Green, director of Career Services.
The Struggle of Balancing Social Life and School: A Planner Is A Lifeline
College is a time for learning, discovering who you are, and trying new things. Opportunity after opportunity can arise, and you might feel obligated to embrace each one. When you are involved in many activiti