By Austin Leonard
Motivation can be a troublesome thing as many students have discovered many times. However, it doesn’t have to be. While staying in bed and watching Netflix is nice and all, pulling an all-nighter trying to finish a paper or preparing for a presentation is not exactly exciting or beneficial. So, our first step in being more motivated is defeating a tough opponent: procrastination. Below are some useful tips and ideas to win the fight against procrastination.
1. Make a schedule and stick to it!
I know, it sounds difficult, but if you put in the effort, it’ll get easier and easier to follow. If you plan out your daily activities, like class, practices, or events, you can find plenty of time in between to study, work on assignments, or read sources.
2. Set goals to complete each day!
Have a to-do list for the day. If you know you have something due coming up, don’t wait. Do it! You’ll have less stress and more sleep when the due date gets closer. You can even make long term goals into smaller ones. If you have an essay due in a week, make the process a little easier by setting small goals leading up to it such as reading two sources today and writing a paragraph tomorrow.
3. Reward yourself!
This one is simple. If you successfully follow your schedule or complete a goal, give yourself a reward. Maybe an episode of your favorite show, only one though, don’t fall into the binge-watching trap. Maybe you’d prefer a nice time out to eat, or just simply some chocolate, whatever it is that will make you look forward to completing your goals.
4. Set consequences!
On the flip side, you might work better knowing if you don’t complete something, you’ll have to face a consequence. It can be anything from not getting to use your phone for the rest of the day to getting to hang out with friends.
5. Be accountable!
Be vocal about what you’re doing and have your friends and family check into to make sure you’re doing it. You can also recruit friends to join you; that way you’ll have a group that can all help each other stay on track. Strength in numbers, right?
6. Find what helps you!
Experiment and find what motivates you. It’s different for everyone so if these don’t seem to fit, find methods of your own! It can be anything from going on a run before studying, or something as wacky as eating your favorite food when working on an assignment to keep you focused.
7. Re-evaluate your methods!
If you find yourself falling out of your routine, don’t be afraid to change it! If it’s not working anymore find a new one that does. They don’t need to be set in stone.
8. Remember what you’re there for!
Sometimes you can forget why you’re doing something because you get caught up in the stress. Take a moment and think about why you are here, what you want your future to be like, and what can get you there.
This the first of a short series of articles, if you are interested in reading the next article you can find it here.